Freelance Copywriter
& Content Marketer
I write stories to remember and copy that sells.
You've Got 4 Seconds. Who am I and What Do I Do?
How much time are your prospects going to spend trying to figure out the copy on your website? Current estimates are between 4 and 8 seconds.
Look at this page. You know who I am and what I do almost immediately.
That’s one way I can help you.
With the right words and images, your prospects will see themselves with your product as the solution to their problem.
Let me put your prospect in your story. It will have a happy ending.
If you have a story to tell or a product to sell, I can help.
Contact today.
Synthia thinks outside of the box and gets things done.
Nicole O.,
Children’s Program Coordinator
Day in and day out you show up ready to do what needs done.
You are flexible and can turn on a dime when a different approach is needed.
You get to the root of problems and find solutions. That skill alone makes you a strong marketer. Add in your persuasive writing. You’ve got it covered.
Copy, content, and even fiction. You can write what clients need.
Thanks for working with me!
G. Benefield, Entrepreneur
Experience makes for stronger copy.
Concise. Persuasive. Each word carefully chosen. (Web writing, emails, case studies, newsletters...)
Ok, I'll admit it. Million dollar mutual fund transfers made me nervous. But, I did them. I also know what it's like when a customer is denied a simple savings account. I've worked in banking, with retirement accounts, and sold life insurance. I do not know how to grow a money tree, but if you showed me, I could write about it, and I'd start an orchard. (B2B & B2C)
A beautifully laid table with great food and company can't be beat. I've worked events in beautiful ballrooms and out on the sidewalk. I can write the copy that will take you there. B2B/B2C
More than ten years as a teacher has resulted in several filled bookshelves. I'm always a learner and often a teacher. I know this market. (B2B & B2C)
Lewis and Clark went west. I've done that, far east, and across the pond. Eight years as a travel agent opened my eyes to the world. (B2B & B2C)
"Sure boss. I'll order those splines right away." "Google, what's a spline?" From purchaser to project manager. I understand commercial flooring. (B2B & B2C)
Cows jumping over moons, screens popping out of windows; I'm your copywriter. (B2B & B2C)
3 left feet. Me and 2 great kids. I know every pain point. (B2C)